Daydream Your Way to Creativity

Daydream Your Way to Creativity

by Nancy Sackheim

Come with me and you'll be
In a world of pure imagination
                             lyrics from " Pure Imagination" Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

 Imagination is the key that unlocks a writer's toolbox of creativity.  In order to stimulate their imagination, writers are encouraged to:

·         keep a journal

·         freewrite

·         take risks

·         read more

·         exercise

·         meditate

·         have stimulating conversations

·         plan a trip

·         take a trip

Doing less can also stimulate your imagination.  Remember daydreaming?  There's a good chance you were scolded for daydreaming in grammar school by a teacher who told you to "Get your head out of the clouds."  Maybe it’s time to get your head back in those clouds.

Daydreaming and creative writing go hand-in-hand.  In his essay "Creative Writers and Daydreaming," Sigmund Freud wrote, " A piece of creative writing, like a day-dream, is a continuation of, and a substitute for, what was once the play of childhood."

 Daydreaming is this week's assignment.  You can do it in short stretches or go big and devote an entire summer afternoon.  Your imagination will thank you!

photo by Handy Wicaksono on Unsplash

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